

If you have not logged in for 90 days

If you do not log in to your Bitcasino account for 90 days, your account will become inactive. Don't worry, though! If you wish to reactivate it later, simply log in again. 

If you have not logged in for 180 days

If you haven't logged in to your Bitcasino account for 180 days, it will be marked inactive and subject to a monthly maintenance fee. This fee is usually applied according to Bitcasino's terms and conditions.

If you have not logged in for 12 months

If you haven't logged in to your Bitcasino account for 12 months, the following actions might take place:

  • Account dormancy: Your account will be classified as dormant if there is no activity (no login) for 12 months.
  • Maintenance fee: A monthly maintenance fee may be charged once your account is dormant. 
  • Balance deductions: The maintenance fee will be deducted from your account balance until either your balance reaches zero or you reactivate your account.
  • Notification: You might receive messages or emails from Bitcasino reminding you about the inactivity and potential fees.