Crypto trading 101: When to buy and sell assets Cryptocurrencies are popular digital assets that you can invest in. As a great alternative to fiat, these assets have proven themselves in terms of usefulness and practicality. With the rise in popularity of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other coins, more people have started to invest in them. […]
Bitcasino Bitcoin Purchase: Everything you need to know
Learn all you need to know about buying Bitcoins at Bitcasino. Our step-by-step guides and expert tips at the Help Centre ensure a smooth experience with Bitcasino Bitcoin.
Guide on setting up a Bitcoin wallet
Learn how to set up your Bitcoin wallet with ease and by following these steps:
Send Bitcoin to Bitcasino: If you have obtained Bitcoin from another holder, you can send it to Bitcasino by:
- Access your Bitcoin Wallet: Open your Bitcoin wallet and go to the ‘Send’ or ‘Send Bitcoin’ section within your wallet's interface.
- Enter Bitcasino Bitcoin deposit address: Get the Bitcasino Bitcoin deposit address from the platform. Enter this address in the recipient field within your wallet.
- Set the amount: Input the amount of Bitcoin you wish to send to Bitcasino.
- Review and confirm: Take a moment to review the transaction details, such as the recipient address and the amount of Bitcoin being sent. Ensure everything is accurate. Once you are done, confirm the transaction in your wallet.
How Bitcoin transactions work in Bitcasino
Bitcoin is a virtual currency you can use to play games, make bets, and engage in various transactions on Bitcasino. It offers secure transactions, making it a great choice for online gambling.